Setting Boundaries (cringe)

In our fast-paced world, it can be challenging to maintain boundaries with friends, bosses, and digital devices. However people…setting boundaries is essential to maintaining our physical and mental health, as well as our productivity and overall well-being. While the words still make me cringe every time I hear them, I want to give you some tips on how to set boundaries with friends, bosses, and digital devices.


Be clear about your availability: Let your friends know when you're free to hang out, and when you need some alone time.
It's okay to say no when you don’t want to do something: It's okay to decline an invitation if you don't feel up for it.  Just be aware that if someone continuously asks you to do something, and you say no every time, the invitations will become less frequent.  Ultimately, that’s what you want, but sometimes it’s nice to feel included.

Communicate your needs: If a friend is crossing a boundary, let them know in a respectful and assertive way.  Meaning – don’t keep throwing this around, “You’re crossing my boundaries”, it will get old …fast.  Find a word that you are comfortable using, which creates an invisible line between you, and the person with whom you are trying to communicate.  That word can simply be no.  You can tell someone “x” just doesn’t work for you at this time.  Keep it simple and uncomplicated, and never feel that this is confrontational.  This is you respecting you.


It’s very important to set realistic expectations: Make sure your boss is aware of your workload and any other commitments that may impact your ability to complete tasks.  If you are trying to move ahead, you may think about extending yourself one or two days a week.  What you don’t want to happen, is for your employer to see that you are willing to do what it takes to get ahead, and they start taking advantage. You may find yourself working way longer than the required hours more often than not.  This is when it’s critical for you to set a boundary, especially if you love your job.  The last thing you want is to dread work.  All it takes is communication. At the end of the day, I believe that communication is the key to all productive interaction.

Lastly, be proactive: If you anticipate a conflict or need to take time off, give your boss advance notice. Don’t feel guilty for taking time off and enjoying life!

Digital Devices:

This is so important for our mental health.  Establish tech-free times: Create boundaries around when and where you use your devices. For example, avoid using your phone when you’re with. friends, during meals, or before bed.
Limit social media use: Set a time limit for social media or certain apps to avoid getting sucked into endless scrolling.  This one is awesome.  Set 10-minute limits and see how much silly/mindless scrolling that you do when you could be doing something much more productive with your time.

Turn off notifications: Disable unnecessary notifications to minimize distractions.

Setting boundaries is not about being selfish or rude. It's about respecting your own needs and communicating them effectively to those around you. By setting boundaries, you'll have more control over your life and feel more empowered to make choices that benefit your overall well-being. The key is using your own language to do it! You got this:)


Social Media Pitfalls


Do you.